Tuesday, October 31, 2017

DFL 2017 Week 8: It's Halloween. Boo!

Ya know...

There's a lot of bullshit going on around the league right about now.  Injuries, suspensions, trades, BYE weeks.  I mean, the list goes on and on.  But one thing that you can take to the bank is that you can't trust Ben.  Not now. Not ever.  Why do I say this?  Because of this little exchange with Ben (my opponent this week) on Thursday morning:

So... I was excited to finally break my winning streak.  Until I watched Ben's defense completely fuck over the Dolphins later that night.

Literally my face the entire game...
So, my losing streak (And the longest losing streak in the league) continues.... How are you doing?  Sigh...  But OK, let's not get into a pity party.  I mean, it's not like I'm Mike or anything...

Man... I'm on such a shit train that busting Mike's chops isn't even fun.
To the pick'ems!  Well, this is certainly a short section this week.  Only 3 people picked (Phil, Ben, and Crutch), they all went 4-2, and there were no "You're not my supervisor!" awards.  So, yeah, here's where things stand:
Phil:  33
Ben: 28
Josh:  19
Crutch:  17(up *4* places from last week!)
Terri:  15
Patrick: 15
Mike:  14

We've rounded the mid-season mark, and it looks like there's going to be a knock down, drawn out brawl for 3rd place.  So keep them picks coming!!

And now, the games.  There's a few blow outs, some bullshit, and another really close game.  So, some excitement this week and more coming up in the coming weeks.  Let's get into it!

Patrick vs. McClennen.  Patick came out swinging here.  Elliot and the Eagles D both put up 20 point games.  Thielen, Gronk, and Jeffery all saw double digits as well.  Oddly enough, Patrick didn't quite make the centurian club. McClennen, on the other hand...  Peaks and valleys man.  Peaks and valleys....  Three solid double digits performances, and then 2 players less than 4 points, a starting QB who went negative, and a starter on BYE.  No surprise that Patrick administered the beat down of the week.

Here's the thing for Patrick though.. He's primed to jump into 1st place.  Sadly, it looks like Zeke is about to take a 6 week break.  So, we'll see how that plays out.

D vs. Mike.  Well, shit...  looks who's on a 3 game winning streak.  D is making a move while just barely missing delivering the beat down of the week.  Mike, I dunno man.  Things are looking pretty grim right now.  Dead last place, and your kicker is who is scoring most of your points.  But hey!  at last you won last week, right?  But there's hope on the horizon.  I mean, you're not the ass last in points scored (looking at you, Kyle).  And hey the season is half over.  You're bound to have a good draft pick next year, right???

I mean, tomorrow's still gonna suck for you, but ...  sorry, I lost my train of thought.
Ben vs. Phil

Ugh.  But seriously.  Fuck Baltimore D and fuck Ben.  And this is coming from the guy whose defense threw down 20 points themselves!!!

Kerry vs. Scott.  Scott said "Hey, Kerry.  Let me give you a gift.  It's the gift of half o my starters are on BYE.  And the rest of my team isn't much to write home about.  Wait.  WTF?  Kelvin Benjamin was traded to the Bills?  Fuck.  Well, Good luck with that Skoot.  Anyways, Kerry was able to beat Skoot with just two players.... so good on ya, Kerry!

Pumpkin man is proud of you!
Kyle vs. Josh.  Well, last week, I encouraged us all to stop giving Kyle such a hard time and let him win a game.  Well, Josh stepped up to the challenge and just shit the bed.  So, Kyle, well done and savor your third victory of the year. 

BUT! and this is a big BUT!  Let's see how Kyle does in week 9.  AKA The Patriot's BYE week. 

Impress the league, Kyle!

Crutch vs. Terri  O boy... This was a close one...  0.9 points separated the Winner (Crutch) from the loser (Terri).  And you know what really sucks?  Terri's defense scored -1.28 points.  Outside of that, Terri hit Line Up Nirvana.  I mean, not to kick a woman when shes's down, but:

So, yeah.  That will do it for this week.  Tune in next week to see more insanity unfold...

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