Tuesday, October 17, 2017

DFL 2017 Week 6: Ffffffffuuuuuuuu...

...  Well, I think that you know where this is going.  So, I'll spare you the details.

Did anything happen this weekend?  Like, in the NFL?  Anything at all?  Oh, right...

Or to put it another way:
Or, more specifically for me....

Ugh, but enough about me and how my season is pretty screwed at the moment.  Let's talk about elimination league, shall we?  I think that the whole season can be summarized thusly:

Sloooowly, carefully, make your picks, do your best.  A few people get knocked out here and there, then finally, there's two remaining.  And what do they do?  The both pick the same heavily, HEAVILY favored team, and they are both knocked out with the upset.  Like I always say, never pick nationally televised games.  Cuz then you wind up with the G men beating an 11.5 point spread and leaving the Broncos stunned.  Both Ben and Patrick picked Denver.  So, both Ben and Patrick are eliminated.  So, nobody wins.  And don't give me that tie jibba jabba.  Ties are for losers.

It's kinda like  we all lost this season, isn't it?

And speaking of losers, let's look at the elmination league...Only 5 people made picks this week.  3 went 4-2 (Phil, Ben, and Terri) while 2 went 303 (Mike and Josh).  Not great here, guys.  Although, we do get to give *another* "You're Not My Supervisor" award this week.  This time to Crutch.  Well done, Sir!

5 people picked against Crutch, and 5 people were wrong.  That does seem like a pretty good segue though...

Crutch vs. Phil.  There was a 13 point spread going into this game.  Nobody expected Crutch to win.  (Not even Crutch - he voted against himself.)  There was a good chance that there was going to be a beat down of the week, but not the way that it went down.  Crutch score the most points of the week, Phil scored the least.  So, yeah, complete and thorough beating here. 

Just call Crutch Peter.  I know that I'm sure going to call him a dick.
Terri vs. Skoot.  Well, this was projected to be a close game and it damn sure was.  (Oddly, not the closest game of the week though...)  So, remember how we tried to pull D/ST down at the start of the year??  YEah, nobody told this game.  The lower scoring D hit almost 15 points, and the other almost doubled that.  Then, pretty much the only others to score were on Pittsburgh; Bell for Skoot and Brown for Terri.  In the end, Terri squeaked out a victory by just shy of 4 points.....

Ben vs. Josh.  This was supposed to be the biggest game of the week.  It was supposed to be a slug fest where both teams hitting new point highs....  It was not.  Ben squrely won this one because the Baltimore D went ape shit crazy on Chicago.  Plus, Newton being back in form didn't hurt much either.  The results of this game popped Ben from 3rd place in the league to first, and Josh from second to fourth.Still lost of time left in the season, but this shook things up pretty good...

Erm... not like that...
D vs. Kyle.  Finally, a game with properly scoring defenses!!!  OK, the Pats D did hit double digits for Kyle, but don't tell Skoot.  Each team had three offensive players hit double digits.  The big differentiator is that Kyle's plays that didn't hit double digits, REALLY didn't hit double digits.  Fun fact about this game:  Both teams had QBs on the bench that outscored the starters. 

So, like, there's that....
Mike vs. McClennen.  Let the trumpets sound!
Mike's done it!  He's snapped his 5 game losing streak!  He's on a roll now!  Really, that's the big news out of this game.  Everything else is window dressing.  (Sorry, McClennen, but let's not take away from Mike's moment.  This might be the only one this season...)

Patrick vs. Kerry.  *This* is the game.  Yeah, it was the lowest scoring game, but it was close.  Patrick was able to barely eek out a win with just a 2 point margin.  But in Patrick's defense, this was his heavy BYE week and his bench gathered together and put up a meager 3.80 points.  Not to be outdone, Kerry's team only had 4.99 points on her bench.

And that's about it.  There's a lot of injuries, some BYEs and even a suspension or two to get through next week.  So, keep your eyes peeled and benches warm.  See you bastards next week.

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