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Crap... the first gif of the year and it's from freaking Glee!. |
So, first thing is first. Team names. Listed here, definitively, in worst to best order:
12 - ScoobyDoo : Missy. We get it. You like consistency, but come on, man!! Cowboy up and come up with a good name. By that I mean come up with a great name in theory, but have it horribly, horribly collapse in on itself in practice. Like NickKurtDale (I can't be the only one to have seen Horrible Bosses 2, right? Oh, I was. OK, my bad. Sorry about that).
11 - |=| )--|--O__|: Ben. OK dude. We get it. You won last year. Move on and change your name. (Plus your team name doesn't italicize worth a shit...)
10 - The Derailers: McClennen. Didn't get it last year, don't get it now.
9 - Fright Knight: Crutch. OK, OK, changing things up a little, with a theme. I can respect that. Just not very much.
8 - Hearthstone=job: RA Dave. Again, keeping the theme, upping the ante. I think that I'd be happier, were it football themed, but I can dig it. (Barely.)
7 - Hmmmm...BWW: Kookie. Points for originality, but what am I looking at? Buffalo Wild Wings? BeWare at Work? Box Wine Wasted?
6 - Outnumbered: Melanie. Now we're getting somewhere! Very timely, but I think that we really could have had this team name before the lil lass came along. I mean, do you really consider Kookie a full 1 with respect to parenting?
5 - IllThinkOfaNameLater: Mike. Very nice. Breaking the 4th wall, keeping things interesting. Bravo, Sir!! What a long way you've come since Giraffes every year!
4 - PeeOnYourLife: Skoot (of course). While it is a bit crass, it is so WTF, that it made ma LOL when I first saw it. Slow clap.
3 - PhilFrontalNudity: Phil. Dammit. I really hate not having the best team name in the league. But I have to admit that I love the top two names better.
2 - No Punt Intended: Terri. A pun! And a football pun, no less!! That's freaking awesome!!
1 - The Walken Dead: Patrick. Again, this one made me LOL, especially given the helmet. But this team name leaves the rest of us chumps back in the dust. Well done. Well done, indeed!
Now, down to some brass tacks. Fist on the agenda, draft order. Here's how it went down:
- No Punt Intended (Terri )
- The Derailers(McClennen )
- Hmmmm... BWW(Kookie )
- The Walken Dead(Patrick )
- IllThinkOfaNameLater (Mike)
- Outnumbered (Melanie)
- Fright Knight (Crutch)
- PeeOnYourLife (Skoot)
- Hearthstone=job (RA Dave)
- PhilFrontalNudity (Phil)
- ScoobyDoo (Missy)
- StupidLittleHangmanThingie (Ben)
And how does Yahoo! think that we did?
- Terri (A)
- Crutch (B+)
- RA Dave (B)
- Kookie (B)
- Phil (B)
- McClennen (B)
- Ben (B)
- Patrick (B-)
- Skoot (B-)
- Mike (C+)
- Melanie (C+)
- Missy (C)
Only one A this year!! And it went to Terri!! Wow! Does this mean that it's year of the Terri? Will she get onto the box for Madden Fantasy Football 2016? Only time will tell, but I think that it's safe to say that if Terri even gets close to losing a game the entire season, we'll all be booing her:
Let's see, what else is there? Right, we're doing the pick'ems again this year. Really good showing on week 1 : 7 people showed up. Let's see if we can keep the streak alive, shall we?
Elimination league. Well, until Thursday at 5,we had the usual 8 people signed up. However, since then, we are up to 11 people! I'm not sure, but I'm thinking that this might have been the biggest elimination pool yet. So good job! This does tell me three things about the league though:
1 - A bunch of people were completely unaware that we were doing this since 2008 (I just checked). So, that leads me to think that not everyone is reading all of ridiculously wonderful words OR they are just scanning for their names and moving on. Not cool, people.
2 - People in the league really like to be online at dinner time.
3 - People in the league jump like mad when the deadline is pending.
All of this has been filed away for future consumption. The end result? All Y'all are on warning! 'Specially Ben, the mute champion.
Now, one thing that I should probably be a bit upfront about this year... I *might* not (actually closer to "probably not") be able to get through all 17 weeks of blog entries this year. I know, I know, how will everyone be able to go on? Anyways, I've been finding myself with less and less time in the last few months, so I'm a bit worried that I won't be able to devote the hour plus every week to pop in and do the write ups. Consider yourselves warned!!
With that I'm outtie. Later, suckas!!
Yeah baby yeah yeah!!! This is going to be a great season. You watch baby!
Wow. It has been a *long* time since I've seen that. Good post, Kookie!!!