Big week this week. Two huge milestones:
1 - Our first playoff berth emerged this week. Skoot is now guaranteed a place in the post season. But don't fret, y'all. That just means that we get to give him the beat down in the playoffs. It hurts more there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's got a 5 game winning streak, and he looks unbeatable. But here are some things that you might not know:
2 - Two people jumped into quad digits this week. Skoot and Phil. We can effectively skip busting on Skoot, as we've already covered that subject. As for Phil, you are correct to tremble in your boots. He is fucking unstoppable.
As for the rest of the league... keep trying. I know that it feels like the DFL can feel like this sometimes:
![]() |
Bonus: His name is Chi-Chi. Best case scenario: That name means bewbie. Worst case? "pretentious and over elaborate refinement." |
But if you try really hard, you can end the season like this:
But perhaps I babble on too much. Let's get to it.
First off... as Ben mentioned in an email comment and I predicted two weeks ago, the elimination league last week, with everyone picking Tennessee. Really, folks? Well, congratulations for what it's worth, Marie, Ben, and Joy. A three way tie makes this whole thing seem rather silly, doesn't it?
Next up! Pick'ems. Not much excitement last week (that is to say, week 10). Terri and Phil went 5-1, and everyone else picking went 4-2. Big thanks to Missy for screwing up everyone's picks. And come on, Crutch! Don't lose! You're killing the whole league. We're not mad; we're just disappointed.
The pick'ems this week (week 11) were equally tight. Crutch, Skoot, and Terri went 4-2, while Phil and Ben went 3-3. Also, as a side note, Crutch screwed us all again this week. Everyone picked him to win and he went and lost AGAIN. I mean, he must be doing this to spite us. Nobody is that bad, right? Another going against the grain was Terri losing to Ben. Granted, by all rights and measures Terri *should* have won this game. (Well, I guess that there is one measure that she shouldn't have - and that would be final score.) So, we can't get too mad at her, right?
Where does that leave us going into week 12? Well, Crutch is nicely ahead with 41 picks. Then, there is a *4* way tie for 2nd place at 37 points. Mike G is still kinda in it in 6th place with 34 picks, but is he really? (The commish half of me says "Yes! Of course! Keep going Mike! You're doing fine!" The smack talking competitor in me says "Leave him! He's dead to us!" And the kid in me says "I love Frosted Mini-Wheat!" So, you know, do whatever you need to with that.)
And now... on to the league! It's going to heat up with these last three weeks of the regular season. Places 4-9 are within a game of each other. Top 8 advance into the playoffs. So keep it up. And now that I've gotten my Kookie BYE, I'd like to invite him personally to wake up! Start mixing it up, +Chris Kucharik ! You too, McClennen, but you're not on G+, so I can't tag you. The perfect defense!
As a side note... really tight games this week. The beat down of the week was delivered by me to Kookie by a huge 22 points. Yeah, that was sarcasm... We've seen 70 point+ blow outs. So, thanks to everyone for keeping it exciting.
That's as good of a place to start as anywhere else... The Golden Star Helmet bowl: Phil vs Kookie.
Phil pulls in "Use The Ginger!" award for putting in Dalton for the injured Rodgers. (Though as a funny side note, Rodgers did reference Skoot's most favorite quote when asked whether he's play this next Sunday "So... you're saying there's a chance!")
Kookie pulls in the "Blackmon's my BOY! (but not in a racist way)" tiara. He's been starting Blackmon since he got hurt in week 8. Good on ya for sticking by your man, Kookie.
In the saddest game of all, we have Crutch vs McClennen. The sponsor for this game is crushing depression:
Crutch threw down an impressive almost 50 points. McClennen handicapped himself by not putting in a tight end and starting a dude on BYE. Ouch.
So, Crutch, I award you an "It gets better" t shirt. It's a bald faced lie, but at least you're rockin' it on the pick'ems.
McClennnen get the "I freaking love Cincinnati" hairbow.... almost 30 points from your DEF? Oh.. they were playing Cleveland. Yeah, that makes sense..
Heartbreaking game of the week? RA Dave versus Missy. RA Dave's only pulled in 3 victories this year, and the game was only separated by 3 scant points.
RA Dave sadly hit lineup nirvana. So, he get the blue ribbon of participation. Thanks for playing big fella!
Missy gets this saddle. It must be hard riding LeSean McCoy that hard to victory. This should help a little.
Ben, you get the "Mah Boy!" award for taking down Terri against all odds. Nobody voted for Ben, but he still managed to beat Terri, throwing her unceremoniously out of second place.
Terri... Not much I can say... Is this the end of Manning's rocking season? You get the Senator Palpatine cowl because we're going to be watching your season with great interest.
In the tightest game of the week, Mike G pulls out an impressive 1.5 point win over Patrick.
Mike G gets the award for picking the correct of the two most frustrating QBs in the league. RG3 vs Foles. Week to week... who's going to go belly up? Well, this week he chose... wisely. Well done, Sir.
Patrick gets the golden get out of jail free card here. Again, on week 2 of a new baby, he can't really be expected to put in the right players. Sadly, he chose right across the board... almost.
And the last game of the week is dubbed the "What the hell happed to the QBs?" bowl. Newton with a 23+ point game and Brees didn't even make it to double digits? Oi! (But on a side note - Congrats to the Cats for pulling it together on the national stage against the Pats! Good on ya!)
(And did you see the point projections? Like half a point spread!)
Melanie - here is your Peaks and Valleys award. Top player on your team? 23 points? Lowest player? -1. And everything in betwixt. Well played, and still in contention for the playoffs.
Skoot gets the Peeks and Valleys award for getting a look at the pain that's gonna start happening. Everyone.. seriously. Let's band together and agree not to let Skoot get another victory for the rest of the season. Kookie - it's up to you. Dammit...
Manning smells like puppies and flowers :)