And now, I hear that the third season is gearing up to be "Historical Romance Horror." OK, I admit that this piques my interest, but so did an insane asylum, and that was fumbled so exquisitely.
Now, instead of admitting that I just wasted like 10 hours watching television and letting it go, I'm going to gripe on the internet in a semi-humorous way because... well, I'm dumb. Anyway, here is kind of the way that the season went for me, in a fictitious conversation that I had with Ryan Murphy (the creator/writer/producer/show runner - basically the show's mama). And away we go!
(Obviously, there's some spoilers ahead; so unless you've seen season 2, you might want to skip..)
Me: Ryan Murphy! Congrats on Season 1 of AHS. Really, this is the golden age of television. Loved every second of it!
Ryan: You like that? Just wait until you get to Season 2!!
Me: Intriguing... Tell me more.
Ryan: Well, it takes place in an insane asylum.
Me: Ooooo... sounds great! So, you'l be playing around with what's real and what's not?
Ryan: Nah, that's played out.
Me: Uuuh... OK. What do you have in mind?
Ryan: I'm really going to stick it to the Catholic Church! Screw those bastards!
Me: Hmmm... OK. I've got faith in you, man. So, an inditement of old institutions, abuses of power. Yeah, I could see that.
Ryan: Oh, but that's not all. Let's throw some struggle between good and evil.
Me: OOO.. Now that does sound good!
Ryan: And Nazis.
Me: Really? Seems a little far out, but let's see what it's about.
Ryan: Don't forget about aliens.
Me: What? Aliens? Let's focus here a little.
Ryan: We haven't even gotten to the serial killers.
Me: Wait - more than one?
Ryan: O yeah. And for some reason, the angel of death on occasion. Shit, let's throw some mutants and an easily dismissed possession too!
Me: Well, that sounds like an awful lot, but as long as you've got a solid cast of characters.
Ryan: No doubt, son. We've got somewhere between 3 and 5 main characters and another dozen recurring characters.
Me: Wait. *5* main characters? You've got me pretty nervous here.
Ryan: Come on now, buddy. I had 3 main characters in the first season, and that was brilliant!
Me: Yeah, you're right. So, these 5 characters are going to be in a single tightly related story line, like the family in the first season?
Ryan: Heck no! Completely different stories, and very diverse arcs. Some of the stories don't even have anything to do with the other characters.
Me: Huh.
Ryan: Don't worry though. We've still got a strong cast. Just as strong as the first season!
Me: Well, that's good. It was cool that you found some unknown actors and then backed it up with a strong well known actor.
Ryan: How about this? Most of the cast is back.
Me: Uh... like in the same parts?
Ryan: No, man. Completely different story!
Me: So... why the same ac-
Ryan: Cuz I'm Ryan *FUCKING* Murphy. That's why.
Me: Well, as long as we still get some good scares. I mean, there was some really tight imagery from season 1 that still sticks with me.
Ryan: You like spooky stuff? Creepy stuff? Things that will get you to the edge of your seat?
Me: Hell yeah! Now you're talking!
Ryan: Oh, we're not doing that this season.
Me: But... why not?
Ryan: Yeah, apparently, the kids like tying people up and then torturing them.
Me: But... that's not scary. It's just gross.
Ryan: Scary. Gross. What's the difference?
Me: There's a lot of difference actually.
Ryan: Listen, I've got too much going on to make American Horror Story scary.
Me: Well ... it sounds like you're going to have a lot of things to wrap up.
Ryan: Yep. Got a plan for that.
Me: Oh, good. Exit strategy! Lay it on me.
Ryan: See, first thing is that we're going to have 3 full episodes of denouement.
Me: You.... 3?
Ryan: Yeah! It's going to be so great!
Me: OK.. well, that should give you plenty of time to wrap everything up.
Ryan: You'd think that, right? We're still not going to explain some things.
Me: What? Like what?
Ryan: Aliens for one. And remember the 3 kids who started to terrorize Adam Levine and his whore in the first episode?
Me: Yeah?
Ryan: We're going to ignore them altogether!!!
Me: So, you're telling me... that there just happened to be three separate parties in an abandoned asylum at the same time.
Ryan: Yep.
Me: And that two of them were armed to the teeth, prepared for homicide.
Ryan: Yep.
Me: Also, going to recreate crimes that happened 50 years prior.
Ryan: Yep.
Me: ...
Ryan: Don't worry. It's going to be cool.
Me: I'm not sure ...
Ryan: Come on guy. It's going to be cool, trust me.
Me (after sitting through 13 episodes): I hate you, Ryan Murphy.
Ryan: Don't worry, next season is going to be better.
Me: Promise?
Ryan: Yep. tehehehehe.