Thursday, March 29, 2012

AI 11: Top 10 (2 weeks worth)

AI 11: Top 10

Ok, time to get brutal. All the performances were good, but that's not why I'm going to be brutal. It's because each singer did the same thing they always do, and usually focused on the annoying parts. For most, I can just go down the list and use 1 or 2 words to describe every performance they have ever done:

Deandre - falsetto
Erika - middle
Joshua - screeching
Skylar – over-the-top country attitude
Elise - soulful
Phillip – slow grovel
Hollie-strong tone
Heejun – bad enunciation
Jessica – big notes
Colton – caught between a boy and a man

At some point they need to sing, and many need to sing like normal humans. I will give Heejun credit, he finally did something active, but the music part fell flat. I can't even talk about Deandre. I won't comment on Joshua again until he sings a song without screeching.

Clearly you can win this thing sticking to country, but I wish Skylar was 25. I believe that might take some of that attitude away and allow her to explore other styles and choices. I like Phillip, but now I want to see him sing fast or something else. Colton probably has the most range of talent and big potential, but it's just not clicking for me yet.

Jessica probably brings the most in terms of complete package – young, good looks, big voice – but it always seems fake. They pointed that out tonight and it was spot on. She what it would sound like if politicans could sing. Elise perfomred well, but I would have gone less over the top. Erika? Just doesn't stand out normally, but I did like her version tonight. Also she gets the thumbs up for most dramatic change in overall appearance. Hollie actually seemed to try and change up her style fro the big voices to something more barroom, but I don't know if it worked completely. At least she tried.

But once again, it's hard to predict who will go home. My choices are Deandre and Heejun. But I can't tell how much fan support they have. If it's not them, probably Erika as she falls into the forgotten zone.

Wow, am I good or what.

AI 11: Top 9
Ok, no theme this time, they get to pick whatever.

Colton – good song and done well. Still just a little thin for me (him and the voice).

Skylar – country again and I thought this was very weak. The judges thought she was great, but I can't see how.

Heejun – ok, FINALLY. Apparently he can not only sing, but has some soul in there as well. If only he had done this from the start.

Hollie – Interesting song choice since there's a clear country girl already and she's a Brit. Maybe it was a strategic move to show her breadth.

Deandre – Ok, still not my fav, and I still can't take that high voice. However, that was his best performance.

Jessica – Interesting song and version. I thought the idea of slowing it down would be good. It wasn't. I thought it was horrible.

Phillip – Finally a more upbeat song and he did great. Still looks stiff but sang well.

Joshua – I loved the 1st 3rd of this. Then the screeching started. Why will no one tell him that his voice is great without that nonesense?

Elise – another great performance.

Stand outs
Elise, Phillip

Hard to say who might be in trouble here. Overall I think Deandre should go, but based on just this week's performances, Skylar and Jessica were the weakest for me.

So I was surprised to see Heejun voted off. Not that I disagree, but since the fan love had been there when he was bad, I was surprised it let him down when he was good. I could see Hollie in the bottom 3 given that song choice but I disagree with the comment that Jessica shows more emotion/soul, I find her more academic in things. Next week might suck actually since it will be 80s week and there are really very few good songs there. I just hope Phillip goes with Stevie Ray Vaughn.

Friday, March 16, 2012

AI 11: Finalists 1st 2 weeks

Week 1

Interesting theme using the male/female artists they had to sing from. Think that hurt some due to style clashes.

Let's just jump right to it
Joshua Ledet – good performance, wasn't over the top this week

Elise Testone – another good performance

Jermaine Jones – good, safe, but still not feeling it

Erika Van Pelt – good but didn't fit as well

Colton Dixon – ok, unfair for a whiny guy voice to sing Whitney

Shannon Magrane – good in parts, but some weak parts as well

Deandre Brackensick – what the hell was that

Skylar Laine – good for a country singer doing Whitney

Heejun – I just dont think I will ever get over the enunciation problems

Hollie Cavanough – one of the top this week

Jeremy Rosado – I actually like this

Jessica Sanchez – went big and succeeded

Phillip Phillips – definitely still the darkhorse, loved it

I think I liked the end question Ryan threw, 2 stand out and 2 in trouble

Stand Outs
Jessica S, Phillip P

In Trouble
Shannon M, Jermaine, Elise

I didn't like Colton, Heejun or Jeremy but they seem to be fan favorites.

So I watched the results show and was not surprised by the bottom 4 or voting off Jeremy (except that he was a fan favorite).

Week 2
The birthday year song theme has been done before and it's a good choice allowing for flexibility.

Phillip Phillips – Once again another grooved performance. Like his voice and style.

Jessica Sanchez – Didn't like the song choice – doesn't do anything to show off her cvoice and she didn' have the energy or presence like Colton for instance to pull it off that way.

Heejun – Still not seeing it, though the enunciation was better.

Elise Testone – Still like her voice/tone.

Deandre Brackensick – I will never get it.

Shannon Magrane – Much better this week, but still maybee weak compared to the field.

Colton Dixon – Very good performer. I actually liked the song choice. He's just too damn skinny.

Erika Van Pelt – I liked trying to rock it, but just didn't work for me.

Skylar Laine – I was thinking oh no, not another country song with a weak voice, but this week she sounded right on and I liked the rocking.

Joshua Ledet – Always a strong performance, I just wish he'd tone down some of the screeching.

Hollie Cavanough – Strong, big voice once again.

Stand Outs
Phillip, Elise, Hollie

Heejun, Deandre

Jermaine left due to some legal disclosure technicality. Not much of an impact to me as I didn't think he was going to make it too far.

Here though Heejun is a fan and judge favorite, both were against him to that performance. But if he survives, then Shannon may be in trouble.

So I watched the results show and was not surprised that Shannon and Erika were at the bottom, but surprised Heejun and Deandre were not there as well – even after the judges and producer were down on them. So we're clearly having another Sanajay year with Heejun there and given that, it's not surprising that Shannon went home. While she has potential for future years, Erika has the potential to rebound in this year.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

AI11: Semi-finalist Results Show Review

Well, I got most right, but that's not difficult given the group. I did feel good seeing that I had some of the same thoughts and comments as the executive producer.

Interesting on the girls as it seems Jen and Hallie just couldn't pull through. What was more interesting though was that Jen was given a chance to sing and Hallie wasn't. More odd was Brielle given the chance. Maybe too many blondes worked against her? The top 8 girls were close and these results showed it.

I was certainly more surprised on the guys side. Jermaine and Heejun making it through straight up were both shockers. Because of that, the others guys didn't get much chance, but calling back Jeremy , Deandre and Reed over Adam and Aaron was bad as well.

So now we have the top 13
Colton Dixon
Phillip Phillips
Joshua Ledet
Jeremy Rosado
Jermaine Jones
Deandre Brackensick
Skylar Laine
Hollie Cavanough
Shannon Magrane
Jessica Sanchez
Elise Testone
Erika Van Pelt

I'm just not liking the guys so much but of course each week will tell. But I'll pick a top 4 here
Hollie Cavanough
Elise Testone
Jessica Sanchez
Phillip Phillips

Darkhorse options to make the Top 5 (with good coaching)
Skylar Laine
Erika Van Pelt
Deandre Brackensick
Joshua Ledet

So far my biggest disappointing cuts have to be Hallie Day and Adam Brock.

Now starts the real fun, but I hope we don't run into another Sanjaya or Taylor Hicks fandom over talent issue.

AI 11: Women's Semi-final performance review

Women's Semin-finalist Performances Review and Predictions

Previously I skipped over some of the women in my reviews as they didn't stand out. I think this episode confirmed that.

Chelsea Sorrell
The hometown girl and all, but I'm still not a fan. Interesting take on the song, but more served to highlight that she wasn't in the same league.

Erika Van Pelt
Admittedly confused here. The problem is that song is done all the time and so my brain hurts hearing it. I do like her tone though and the performance was solid. Just having a mental block with the song choice.

Jen Hirsh
Though I have liked her throughout, I didn't like this performance as much. Mostly because the audience seems to reward the big notes more than anything. Song coice again may be skewy me as I just didn' tlike this song too much.

Brielle Von Hugel
I seem to hate the youth of our country, but again I struggle with kids singing certain songs. Certainly ones they could not relate to. I did like her engery, confidence and stage presence. But given that the song was done a lot in Hollywood Week and it just sounding funny to my ears with a child's voice, this was not great.

Hallie Day
Still a front runner and this performance helped that. Even with my bias towards Michael Buble, she didn't seem too pale in comparison (though a few parts got away from her). Her overall looks and stage presence help out as well.

Skylar Laine
She definitely brought the energy and swagger again, but this time it seemed more appropriate and polished. Sticking to country helped but it will be interesting to see what happens if she makes it to further round.

Baylie Brown
Just seeemd off key the whole time. I couldn't get past that.

Hollie Cavanough
Brought the solid, good tone, controlled voice again. It's one thing to have big notes, but control is important and this seperates her from many other women (and men). This performance brought her up to the front as well.

Haley Johnsen
Love the song – the original and the Marilyn Manson version actually. I liked her stage show – did well to stand out. Unfortunately I just didn't like the voice that went with it.

Shannon Magrane
Good overall performance. A safe performance really – calm, controlled, nothing crazy or too difficult, but all done well.

Jessica Sanchez
Thanksfully another young one that doesn't sound like it. Good presence and control. Well done all around.

Elise Testone
I seem to favor those that can play an instrument as well (3 of the guys as well at least). I like the voice.

So let's get to the judgements.

Top 6 in
Jen Hirsh
Skylar Laine
Hallie Day
Hollie Cavanough
Shannon Magrane
Jessica Sanchez

Bottom 4 out
Chelsea Sorrell
Brielle Von Hugel
Baylie Brown
Haley Johnsen

On the bubble:
Elise Testone
Erika Van Pelt

It is interesting though as I could see voting on the women difficult. Jen and Hallie's performances might not have beeen as good as prior ones, but their reputations so far should carry them. Shannon is a fan favorite, but went safe. Elise and Erika have different voices and that could be good or bad.

So now I'll watch the results show and see.

AI 11: Men's Semi-final performance review

Ok, Men's Semi-finalist performances done and here are my thoughts before watching the results show.

First, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of performances from the guys (ie, I wasn't expecting much).

Reed Grimm
Brought the energy and range of talent. Thought he did a better job of singing at first, yet in the wrap up they showed more of the vaudeville part.

Adam Brock
Another fine, energetic performance.

Deandre Brackensick
I guess there's something about a guy and a high voice that does it for women (girls). This would explain all the boy bands, Beiber fever, and the love for Deandre. I just don't get it.
On the good side though, he seems nice, confident, and performs well.

Colton Dixon
He certainly stepped up his game and surpased my previous judgement. Most aggressive performance and obviously had the passion. He just seems too small/weak to pull off the tough rocker act.

Jeremy Rosado
Nice guy, all around fan favorite. I still stand saying he's too young and doesn't stand out.

Aaron Marcellus
Energetic performance, nice take on the song. Interesting wardrobe change up. For some reason as much as I wanted to like him and this performance, it seemed just above karaoke-like.

Chase Likens
Played the country angle well. Picked a good energetic song and played to the crowd. But much like Aaron, just seemed a little short of the goal.

Creighton Fraker
Unique is a word here of course. And the high pitched thing well apparently play well with the female vote. But this was too unique for me.

Phillip Phillips
And now you see why I put him through as a darkhorse. Very interesting take on that song. Well done.

Eben F
Just too young. The songs don't seem right coming from him.

another all around nice guy and fan fav, but the enunciation and lack of stand out ability hurts.

Joshua Ledet
Apparently losing his mind up there still works. Clearely can sing and has passion. I'm just wondering if he can sing more calmly or not.

Jermaine Jones
Obviously I was surprised here as I guessed he would not be called back. Apparently they understood the need to counter Deandre's voice. And while his performance was powerful and moving, the question will remain can a baritone moved past ballads (not that I'm knocking them, I love Dick Haymes, but it's hard to be mainstream these days).

Now we know voters decide based on the recent performance, but also using the past and general personality preferences. As such, it's hard to guess what they may say, but here's what I would say.

I think they go from 24 to 12 or 13? And I think it's and even gender split. So here would be the top 5 guys to make it in:

Reed Grimm
Adam Brock
Colton Dixon
Phillip Phillips
Joshua Ledet
Aaron Marcellus

And the bottom 4 out:
Jeremy Rosado
Eben F
Jermaine Jones
Creighton Fraker

Now we are left with 3 guys and 1 slot. However, I think there will be a 13th slot, chosen by the judges and so it may end up being another guy. I think the 1st 2 here are judge and fan favorites, and the last probably just don't have enough love to make it through (though I'd go in reverse order here myself).
Deandre Brackensick
Chase Likens

Stay tuned for the Women's Semi-finalist review and predictions