Ok, time to get brutal. All the performances were good, but that's not why I'm going to be brutal. It's because each singer did the same thing they always do, and usually focused on the annoying parts. For most, I can just go down the list and use 1 or 2 words to describe every performance they have ever done:
Deandre - falsetto
Erika - middle
Joshua - screeching
Skylar – over-the-top country attitude
Elise - soulful
Phillip – slow grovel
Hollie-strong tone
Heejun – bad enunciation
Jessica – big notes
Colton – caught between a boy and a man
At some point they need to sing, and many need to sing like normal humans. I will give Heejun credit, he finally did something active, but the music part fell flat. I can't even talk about Deandre. I won't comment on Joshua again until he sings a song without screeching.
Clearly you can win this thing sticking to country, but I wish Skylar was 25. I believe that might take some of that attitude away and allow her to explore other styles and choices. I like Phillip, but now I want to see him sing fast or something else. Colton probably has the most range of talent and big potential, but it's just not clicking for me yet.
Jessica probably brings the most in terms of complete package – young, good looks, big voice – but it always seems fake. They pointed that out tonight and it was spot on. She what it would sound like if politicans could sing. Elise perfomred well, but I would have gone less over the top. Erika? Just doesn't stand out normally, but I did like her version tonight. Also she gets the thumbs up for most dramatic change in overall appearance. Hollie actually seemed to try and change up her style fro the big voices to something more barroom, but I don't know if it worked completely. At least she tried.
But once again, it's hard to predict who will go home. My choices are Deandre and Heejun. But I can't tell how much fan support they have. If it's not them, probably Erika as she falls into the forgotten zone.
Wow, am I good or what.
AI 11: Top 9
Ok, no theme this time, they get to pick whatever.
Colton – good song and done well. Still just a little thin for me (him and the voice).
Skylar – country again and I thought this was very weak. The judges thought she was great, but I can't see how.
Heejun – ok, FINALLY. Apparently he can not only sing, but has some soul in there as well. If only he had done this from the start.
Hollie – Interesting song choice since there's a clear country girl already and she's a Brit. Maybe it was a strategic move to show her breadth.
Deandre – Ok, still not my fav, and I still can't take that high voice. However, that was his best performance.
Jessica – Interesting song and version. I thought the idea of slowing it down would be good. It wasn't. I thought it was horrible.
Phillip – Finally a more upbeat song and he did great. Still looks stiff but sang well.
Joshua – I loved the 1st 3rd of this. Then the screeching started. Why will no one tell him that his voice is great without that nonesense?
Elise – another great performance.
Stand outs
Elise, Phillip
Hard to say who might be in trouble here. Overall I think Deandre should go, but based on just this week's performances, Skylar and Jessica were the weakest for me.
So I was surprised to see Heejun voted off. Not that I disagree, but since the fan love had been there when he was bad, I was surprised it let him down when he was good. I could see Hollie in the bottom 3 given that song choice but I disagree with the comment that Jessica shows more emotion/soul, I find her more academic in things. Next week might suck actually since it will be 80s week and there are really very few good songs there. I just hope Phillip goes with Stevie Ray Vaughn.