Wednesday, November 14, 2012

DFL Week 10: The quiet blackout...

I have to admit... Long about this time in the season when I have such as suck team, I find it hella hard to keep with the updates.  I mean, hell, I didn't even do an update last week until the freaking Monday night game.  Plus, a bunch of stuff is going on - family visiting both last weekend and this upcoming one, kids and wife are sick, I'm GMing a new D&D campaign on Monday...  The list just keeps going on and on.

So, each week, I think "Well, maybe I can get away with not doing the write up.  Who's going to notice?"  And then I sit back and see how the games play out.  So, why am I writing up the games this week?  I'll tell you why.

Cuz you assholes happen.

Good lord, I just can't believe that even after all of these years, that you pricks can figure out ways to amaze and astound me with your tomfoolery.

The good news is that the elimination league is out of the way.  That means I can focus all of my rage and salty language on what really matters.  Just so that we can pictorially set this stage, I think that this sums me up right about now:

And in case you're wondering what I'm shouting there, it's a stream of vulgarities that would make a sailor blush.

So, here we go.  Pick'ems!

Something is going on at House Kookie.  Melanie went 5-1 (jumping ahead of RA Dave in the process) and Kookie went 6-0 in the picks this week.  That's right.  Kookie, thus far the only one to have a perfect week, just did it again.  I personally think that Kookie went ahead in time, got a book of all things that ever happened and then came back to the present.  Now, he's sharing with the wife and they are just rocking it.  On the other side of the spectrum, we've got the Gs sitting and 2-4.  Not hugely newsworthy, except that it puts them both in striking distance of Melanie and RA Dave.  So, that race is heating up nicely.  Crutch, Ben, and I all were sitting at 4-2 this week.  This means, of course, that the small gap that I closed last week when Kookie went on sabbatical is now gone.  Mother FARTER.  FART you, Kookie.  FART YOU IN THE EYE!!!

And now, the real league.  After this week's performance, I came to a sudden realization:
That's right, you jerks are forcing me to go out to sea.

So, the biggest news of the week is that the record-breaking 63 point smack down that Joy threw out last week was subsequently broken this week.  Patrick laid a 64 point differential on me this week, not only picking up the beat down of the week, but also in the history of the league.  A pox on your house, sir.

However, we can't discount the role that Eli Manning played in all of this.  Why, with his cumulative last month's worth of scores being negative, I am astounded.  I mean, I know that he's no Payton, but come on, he's no Romo either.  So, with that being said, he's going on the bench this week.  And what powerhouse did I pick up to take his place.  Andy Dalton.  Who?  He's a professional QB, don;t you know?  Yes, in the NFL.  For the Bengals.  Yes, Cincinnati still has a team.  But just to crystalize this for everyone.  Eli Manning is being replaced by Andy Dalton.  May Gord have mercy on our souls...

So, well played Patrick.  And I think that this is all that I  have to say about this game...

Next up... Ben vs Mike G.  All of Ben's players hit into the double digits, except for his flex position, who got a big old goose egg.  That's right, when Ben puts Bush into the flex position, he gets nothing out of it... (I know, I know, I could have worked on that joke a little more, but you get what you get...)

And Mike.. good lord.  the one week that Flacco decides to wake up and you have to play ben when he's obviously given his team steroids...  Sorry, bud.  There's always next week.

Melanie vs Terri:  Melanie's lack of faith in Jamal Charles, though well founded, finally bit her in the buttox, as he almost doubled his projections.  It didn't realy matter as she beat Terri pretty soundly, but still...

As for Terri, I appreciate you taking my advice for Kickers and Defenses winning games, but maybe you should pick up the rest of your tea as well?

Skoot vs. RA Dave....  Damn, Skoot.  You have the touch of death his season.  First, MJD craps out on you.  Now, Vick is gone for at least a little while, and Hernandez is stuck in the "Maybe he'll be better by Sunday" dance of death...  Next year, man.  You and I are going straight to the top!!!

Dave...  Not a bad week.  Take away your DEF and you have a pretty blah week, as a matter of fact.  but somehow you had the foresight to start a Defense against Carolina.  How'd you figure on that one?  :-)

Joy versus Missy : Or what I like to call the gift of the week.  I'm not sure how many of you got bitten by the black out on Sunday afternoon, but Joy gifted the game this week to Missy because of it.  Joy sets her line up at around noon on Sundays.  So, she just barely missed her opportunity to change out her two players on BYE.  To add insult to injury, she wasn't able to pick up a DEF on Monday night by the time that Yahoo! came back online.  For some unknown reason, Melanie had the KC defense.  Arrg!!  (Were she able to do that, Joy would have won the game.  Needless to say, Joy took it a lot better than I did...)

So, Missy, you obviously get the lucky luck award this week...

Finally, Crutch and Kookie.... once again kookie eeks out a win this week.  And let me be one of the many to say "What *the* fuck???" Here's the thing.  Kookie hasn't won a game since week one, so much as his opponents have lost in the last  3 weeks.  However, I do have to hand it to Kookie, he did regenerate his team from nothing since week 1.  Good lord, would it not be great if Kookie snuck into the playoffs and made a run for the gold?

Though again, combined TE scores in this game?  Over 50!  (yes yes yes, more than my entire team put together.  But not if I had benched Manning... Dick....)


  1. this seems like a week you can finally use your commish powers...if people honestly had line up changes (i'm talking putting in bench players, not adding free agents) they intended to make and couldn't, you should be able to correct the scores to account for it....

    1. Yeah, I was actually thinking about flexing the power. In fact, Yahoo! is now offering a tool that I can make any week not count as well. It doesn't seem as if too many people are too upset by the black out, so I'm just going to let things stand as they are.

      Now, if someone disagrees, please let me know using the most foul language possible and sprinkled with ad hominem attacks... Then, we might get somewhere. :-)

  2. Well not a bad idea, Ben. But F' it! It's too hard to decide when to flex that kind of power and everyone's going to say, "Well of course I would have put in my highest scoring players!" While I've been on the receiving end of getting hosed missing a bye swap myself, my only recommendation to Joy and others is: Don't wait until the last minute. Set a reminder, stick to a schedule -- Thurs night 10:30pm is FF lineup night -- whatever you need to do.

    As for Grays Sports Almanic, I've developed a 4-tier logic to make my pick'em each week and Melanie picks based on gut-feel. Beats the hell out of me how we lined up this week. But just so you know, I would never have predicted it. Did you notice how her only miss was ME! I guess 6-L has an impact on "gut feel". ;-)

    Playoffs all the way, baby! I like your enthusiasm, Phil, but there's too many with too good players to take the crown (Decker and Turner were Pat's leftovers!!!) I am hopeful for a Bronze.

    Look out, Dave...I'm coming for you!

    1. *THURSDAY* night at 10:30? You know that there are Thursday night games every week this year, right? I can't believe that I'm losing to you right now...

      Wednesday night or Thursday morning is the best idea. Then, leave Sunday morning for tinkering.

      As for your picks... I call shenenagins. I've already got a Private Detective questioning the Oracle at Delphi. I know that you've been doing a lot of traveling recently and if I find out that you're up to something, I'm totally invalidating you picks. :-P

  3. Ah... I'm up against Phil this week, so I gotta ask you Phil, do you think that this week willy be decided on the roll of the dice, as it were? Are you going to "Phil" you roll again this week? Will I be able to make my big d20 light up again? we will find out, after this weeks "Clash of the Gamers" Hehehe.

    1. Well, the way that things have been going this season, I don't think that you're going to have much to worry about this week. I have genuinely thought that I as going to take all of the games that I voted for myself this season. It's just that every week at least one of my key players just pukes all over the field.

      And here's the thing, it's not just one player. A few weeks ago, I looked around at everyone's teams looking for trades. The problem is that all of my players were fairly good. It's just that one or two random ones forget to show up in a given week. So, I don't have a single weak link, I don't have a set of streaky player, I just have really bad luck with match ups this year.

      Of course in week 10, my entire team crapped their pants, so maybe this week is new, fresh start.

      Or maybe I really do need to buy a boat. But hey our game will mostly be decided by the time that we descend on Faerun, so I'll have plenty of time to readjust the campaign to screw you if you screw me this week.
