Thursday, January 3, 2019

DFL Moving forward

Well, I've been staring at a blank blog entry going on a week now, and I'm not really sure how to start this.  As I generally blog best when I just start writing AND they always say don't bury the lead, so I'll just say it:

I've decided to retire the DFL this year.

Well, shit.  That wasn't so bad, now was it?  And before any of you bastards start in on me about how this is sour grapes for me pulling in the playoff bitch position this year, you can back right off.  I decided back in November that it was probably time to hang up the spurs, as it were.  

You know, cuz I ran out of pudding and all.
Remember the October / November time frame?  Remember when my team was still kicking ass and taking names?  Yeah, *that* was when I made the decision.  At that point, I was worried about walking into the Championship and being accused of going out on top.  So, yeah, cursed for hubris, right?

So, what's going on?  Well, before we get there, let's go back to the beginning...

So, Skoot started this league way back in 2002, as a way for some of us old Penn Staters to keep in touch.  Gotta remember, this was before Facebook was opened to everyone, when we still had land lines and paid for long distance, when Time Warner Cable scoffed and said "Who would EVER need more than a 10 Mbps connection?", when dinosaurs roamed the Earth...  I'm saying that it was hard to keep in touch back in those days.  I mean, you ever try to hold a conversation on a wired phone while dodging ankylosauruses?

Jesus doesn't count.. that dude is good at everything!
Anyway, over the years, we all started to figure out how to play fantasy football and got better.  Well,  except Skoot and Whitey - they already knew how to play and just kicked our asses up and down those first few years.  And before you ask , yes, we had a guy in the league who we called Whitey.

No, it wasn't this guy....
As the years went by, we started expanding the league out to other people to fill out the ranks.  I took over as commissioner when Skoot stepped down.  Lots of things changed.  In fact, there's a fairly good history of the league that I wrote up a few years ago here:

The only problem is that I haven't been bothered to update that post in 5 years.  And that's kind of the heart of the decision to end the league now.  I'm burned out at this point.  Back when I started the write ups, there was excitement and drama.  I'd pour over each game and the through lines to write the weekly narrative would flow so easily.  (I would suggest that you go back and look at them, but I can't since Skoot killed them when he changed web hosts back in 2009 and we lost all of the league data - duuuuuuude.)  I'd go out and look for extra games (like Pick 'ems and Elimination League) to see what we could do to add a little spice here and there.  Each week would be exciting and fun for me.  Also, I got the impression that everyone was stoked when August rolled around.  What changes would we be implementing?  How's the draft going to work this year?  How will Ben suck the fun out of things?  The possibilities were infinite!!!


But, over the years, things kinda changed as they are wont to do.  Marriages, houses, kids, work changes... just a lot of reprioritizations went down.  There wasn't anything specifically that happened, but things happened, and the passion kind of slipped away year by year.  Now, August rolled around and I was worried about what changed were absolutely necessary.  Do people still want to do the Pick 'Ems league?  (Though Patrick was good enough to point out that you can't actually do it on the phone.  I mean, really, Yahoo!?  WTF?)  Each week, it was getting just a little bit harder to find good write up material.  (I mean, how many ways can I say that a player shit the bed and screwed a team, really?)  Some weeks, I definitely had to phone it in.  When that was happening more and more, I figured that it was probably time to call it a day.  

I did talk with a few people through the season to get a pulse for where everyone's heads where at.  Granted, I didn't talk to everyone and I didn't get complete consensus, but I got enough of a feeling that I wasn't the only one feeling malaise.

Big shout outs to everyone in the league:
Skoot:  Founder, and first commissioner.  Thank you so much for thinking to pull this together and for getting it off the ground.  Also, I hate you.
D:  Founding Member, and guy who has had probably the most varied level of success in the league.  Thanks for sticking with it all these years.
McClennnen:  Another founding member.  I'm kinda glad that you never got enough time to fully commit because I'm pretty sure that you would have destroyed us year in, year out, if you had.
Ben:  And the last active founding member.  Your team names were always on point, and I always enjoyed debating rules changes with you.  But seriously, why was your email address always hidden?
Mike:  My nemesis.  Damn, I loved playing against you.  I always appreciated the extra emails that you'd send on the side.
Terri:  Special shout out to the last lady left in the league!  I always got a kick out of when couples would play each other, and yours were hands down the best wifely smack talk.
Patrick:  When you came into the league, you elevated the whole league.  Your insight on how other fantasy leagues worked made our league better and I thank you for it.
Crutch:  You know what one of the biggest things that I'm going to miss next year?  Playing D&D on Monday nights where you and I are glancing down at our phones because the games are coming down to the last game and the D&D nerds sneer at us for being FF nerds. 
Kyle:  Damn, you know I always dug watching you weigh just how many Pats you could put on your team before you'd be unbalanced.  And next year, with Brady "probably" coming back, I would have loved to see which direction your team actually went.
Josh:  I was actually thinking about extending the league another year just because of the smack talks that we had pretty much every day during the season.  But then you had to go and win the whole thing and you are just going to be insufferable as champion.  So, you know, easy choice...
Stephen:  Man, I'm sorry about this.  I mean, I pulled you into a new league and you had one of the most surprising teams in the league.  Same line up would score 45 points one week and then 95 the next.  And now, I'm killing the league, just as you missed the playoffs by a hair.  :(

So... where do we go from here?  Hell if I know.  I know that I'm going to be taking back a bunch of time (write ups and waiver bids on Tuesdays, fill in pick ups setting the line up and Pick 'em picks on Tuesdays, and Elimination League picks on Thursdays), but I might get rammy.  Who knows?  Maybe after a few seasons, something can come back in a greatly reduced form.  For now, the DFL is going to be put to bed.  Thank you all for everything that you've done for the league.  It has been wonderful being part of this.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

DFL 2018 Week 17: Dear Season, We Hardly Knew Ya!

17 weeks up and 17 weeks down. That's how we roll.  And as with every last post for the season, we have a new champion. 

Congratulations to Josh for sticking with it week after week to pull in the gold!  But maybe I'm getting ahead of myself?

Pick 'ems:  Phil and Crutch went 3-1, while Mike and Ben-bot pulled in 2-2.  Hard week, in that the only match up that was perfectly called was Ben over Patrick.

So, that leaves the post season picks like this:

Phil:  9-3 (Gold)
Crutch: 9-3 (Gold)
Mike:  8-4 (Bronze)
Ben:  6-6

And the overall looking like this:

Phil:  65 (Gold)
Crutch: 56 (Silver)
Mike:49 (Bronze)
Josh:49 (Bronze)
Ben: 48 (So close!!!!)
Terri:  27  (Not so much)

Well done, Pick 'ems!  This is really the endurance contest part of the league every year (unless you're Ben-bot, then it's just front loaded...)

Lest we forget, here's how the elimination league shaped up this year:
Josh:  Gold (Strike 1 @ week 3)
McClennen:  Silver (Strike 1 @ week 2, Strike 2 @ week 11)
Phil:   Bronze (Strike 1 @ week 1, Strike 2 @ week 9)

And just to sum that ridiculousity up, EVERYONE else was eliminated at week 3.  Well, except for Kyle who was eliminated at 2.

Now, let's get to championship week, shall we?

Josh (5th seed:  70.55) vs. Mike (2nd seed:  65.59).  Damn.  This was an insanely close game.  And really the insult to injury here is that the Skins were shut out by the Eagles.  Had that not happened,  Mike's 2 Washington players might have been able to overcome the difference.  (Of course, who the hell could have foreseen the Pats D racking up 15 points? I mean, we all knew that it was going to be bad, but not THAT bad.)  Josh, on the other hand, had just enough to get through.  So, when the late game came around, Josh was up and Mike had no players left, Josh did the right thing and benched his remaining player.  Well done, sir.  Well done, indeed. 

Ben (3rd seed:  88.23) vs Patrick (1st seed:  43.23).  Ben pulled out all of the stops here. He set his line up and then cut everyone on his bench.  Which was... good for you Ben.  Patrick, on the other hand, just couldn't get things going.  And he was making moves til the very end.  Like, he was the second to last move.  Still, nothing doing.  Ben pulled in this win and caught himself bronze for the effort.

It's still a medal, dammit!
D (8th seed: 83.10) vs Kyle (6th seed: 69.80).  In really the only game that didn't mean anything, both competitors still put up some pretty significant points.  D picked up Winston, who went gang busters, White woke up and Hopkins even had a good game.  Kyle's team road mostly on Luck and Howard, but he didn't really need much more and he might have been able to pull this one off.  (Looks like Brown was a last minute benching, so there's that...) Overall pretty exciting game, and great way to end the season (well, for D at least..... Kyle - hey way to stick with it!).


Crutch (7th seed:  92.44) vs Phil (4th seed:  43.12).  Ugh....  OK.  Crutch won fair and square.  He put up the most points of anyone in the league this week.  I put up the least this week.  Two of my starters were benched for protection reasons (Dammit), and pretty much everyone on Crutch's team was firing on all cylinders.  So, this pretty much sums up my season.  I lost not 1, but 2 defenses on the waiver wire this week.  And I thought that I was being all smart by picking up one of Ben's benched players.  Motherfucker didn't even play.  So, my season that I was dominating for most of the regular season ends with me being the playoff bitch.  Is this what being on the Cowboys feels like?

The funny thing is that there were LOTS of choices returned for
a GIS of "Romo laying down."
So, that leaves the final standings looking like this:

  1. Josh (Gold)
  2. Mike (Silver)
  3. Ben (Bronze)
  4. Patrick
  5. D
  6. Kyle
  7. Crutch
  8. Phil (Playoff Bitch)
  9. Stephen (King of the Losers)
  10. Skoot
  11. Terri
  12. McClennen
Now, let's get into the fun stuff!  Here's how Yahoo! projected team strength right after the draft:

  1. Crutch
  2. Stephen
  3. Phil
  4. D
  5. McClennen
  6. Kyle
  7. Patrick
  8. Mike
  9. Josh
  10. Ben
  11. Skoot
  12. Terri
How about moves?  This is how many moves each team had:
  1. Crutch (40)
  2. Josh (38)
  3. Phil (36)
  4. D (25)
  5. Mike (22)
  6. Stephen (15)
  7. Ben (13)
  8. Patrick (12)
  9. Kyle (12)
  10. McClennen (11)
  11. Terri (10)
  12. Skoot (5)
Waiver bids?  Holy crap!  We more than double the number of conflicts this season!  Last year, we had 10.  This year, 25.  Last year, we only had multiple intersection, this year 7!  So, it sounds like we're all watching the waiver wire a bit more as the years go by.   Of course, no trades this year... but c'est la vie!

And one final image, should anyone need a nice summary of the season:

This was a hell of a fun year.  It didn't seem like anyone was really running away with the league (except for maybe Patrick for a few weeks at the end, but the week 17 checks and balances seemed ready to kick in, so I wasn't too worried.)  Hope that everyone had a great time!