Sunday, August 15, 2010

cheap ploys

i refuse to fall into phil's trap...trying to get me to post by inciting me....



well now that i'm here, i just want to note that my weekend was also awesome...why? Because i didn't get up before 10am either day, did not attend any performances aimed at small children, and didn't spend any time trying to direct 2 year old penises into porcelain bowls. All in all a very successful weekend. Though i didn't get to beat up any 2 year olds either, so i guess you've got me on that..

(and for when my future employers find this on google, yes i'm kidding about the beating up 2 year olds part. by which i mean kidding about it being a good thing, not kidding about not having done it. i haven't. honest. unless you pay extra for that.)

I realize this post isn't nearly as long or interesting as phil's, so please spend the next 5 minutes pretending to read what i haven't bothered to write below, and chuckling to yourself occasionally. thanks.

One heckuva weekend!

OK so I promised not to make this a mom-blog (OK Dad-blog) right outta the gate.  But this weekend has been such a whirlwind that I've decided to bend this rule a bit.  (Plus with the lack of updates to the blog, I find myself looking for things to keep the the readership appeased.  Readership is a two handed bitch-goddess. She gives with one hand with the higher self-esteem that comes with a complement from a good blog post and takes with the other - always demanding more more more!!)  So, I'll say this:  This is not a blog for Ben.  (Though if there were more updates recently, perhaps, I wouldn't have to go the easy route and blog about my fantastic kid.  I'm just sayin' Mr. Contributor....)

Now that Ben's gone, let's have a frank discussion about him behind his back.  That guy is a jerk.  A real knee biter.  Man, that felt so good that I may need to get a little more off my chest later in the blog.  Anyway, this weekend....

So, this last week, I decided to have a play date with some of Sam's friends from school.  Since it was going to be crazy hot and I am crazy cheap, I decided just to have a sprinkler party in our back yard.  Only one of his friends RSVPed, so it was going to be a really nice and small gathering.  Good news is that we should be able to get through this on the cheap.  Bad news is that we had to spend pretty much every spare moment cleaning to get the house ready.  (We kinda let it go in the past few months.)

Fast forward to Saturday morning.  Everything was ready; house was cleaned, Sam was super-stoked, I even got a new sprinkler cuz I thought that my old sprinkler was dying.  (Turns out that I just needed to clean it out with the tool that comes with every sprinkler that I just didn't know was there.  O well - two sprinklers!  you know that it was going to be a good party there.)  So, I just changed Sam upstairs and he was happily started butt-scooting down the stairs himself.  (He's been very good about the stairs for about 8 months, so I've been getting more and more lax while watching him go down.)  So, I look at him playing about half way down the stairs with one of his toys and he is bending down to play with the toy.  I'm guessing that everyone can guess where this is going.  About 3 seconds later he is all way way down the stairs on his face.  No serious injury, but plenty of tears and it looks like he's got a bloody lip.  We get his a snack (since it was snack time) and he's still crying.  Two minutes later, his friend shows up and all of the tears go away. I think that we need to have more play dates with his friend.

Lemme say that this play date was great!  The kids had an absolute blast with the sprinklers.  Then, I put a hose nossle on and they had a hoot shooting each other, the grass, and me with the water. They shared fantastically.  Then, it was on to hot dogs at lunch.  Again, went really well.  Each of the kids had two (2!!) hotdogs, and a good selection of fruit without too much fuss.  Sadly, we had to cut it off after lunch since it was nap time.  I'm not sure about his friend, but Sam slept about as well as I have seen this year.  Woot! 

Rest of the day was pretty uneventful, outside of a little potty training.  After Sam went down for bed that night, I watched "Better off Dead" for the first time straight through.  Since I  had Comedy Central for the past 15 years, I  had naturally seen parts here and there, but this was the first time straight through.  I didn't realize just how 80s that movie was.  But in a good way.  (Also, side note.  I caught a bit of Predator on Spike the other night.  *MAN* that was very 80s too.  Special effects, dialog, everything.  Never really hit me before just how dated that movie was. Still a great movie, But all they needed as a John Hughes cameo for me to have an 80s-gasm right then and there.)

And since we have a lull in the story time, let's talk about Ben again.  I mean, really?  Your initials spell out a file extension on an OS that you don't even like?  Nerd!  *AND* you wear glasses sometimes and contacts other times?  Make up your mind, sir.  We're at war...

And now we come to Sunday...  Now, *this* was a long day.  Started out with Sam staying quiet until about 7:45, so we got to sleep in a bit.  Then, I decided to really get in good with the potty training that morning.  I spent about 2 hours trying to get him to pee on the potty, but he wasn't having any of it....  I was getting more and more frustrated and then he said that he just wanted to wear a diaper.  Now, all of the books say to let them guide the process, so that's cool, except that I feel like I wasted the morning.  So, I change him into the diaper and excuse myself to cool out a little.

When I come back, Sam notices me, drops his markers than he's coloring with, shouts "Daddy!" and comes running at me.  This isn't all that uncommon and not cause for alarm.  Except this time, I am standing right next to the corner of the ottoman.  And Sam is so excited that he runs up, jumps into the legs and then just falls to the floor.  In the process, he knocks his cheek into the corner of the ottoman and now has a really nice shiner.  Ugh... I'm just hoping that CPS isn't called tomorrow when he goes to school.

So, we get Sam an early lunch and try to do an early nap since we're going to see the Wiggles in concert at 4 (and sometimes Sam will sleep right past 4).  He does a great job with lunch, but sadly really isn't interested in napping until about 2 or so.  Namely, about an hour before we need to leave...  So, it turned out to be a short nap that I  had to wake him from (it took about a minute of rubbing his back to wake him...) and he was all sleepy going into the Wiggles.  But the good news is that he was super-excited to be there and had a great time.

Now, let me say this...  The Wiggles were freaking amazing.  They were on-stage, high energy for a little over 90 minutes.  (Obviously, they changed out actors so everyone would have a rest throughout.)  But they are professionals, so what's the big deal?  Three things:
1 - They had a show earlier in the day.
2 - They had just come from Atlanta last night (where they also presumably had two shows in the same day).
3 - Most of the Wiggles proper are over 50.

Lemme 'splain about that last point.  One of the Wiggles, Jeff, is 57 years old. He on stage hanging on monkey bars upside down, climbing human pyramids, doing handstands, and just having a great time doing it.  Also, at one point, he pulled up his pant legs to do some silly thing with a hula hoop.  All that I can say is that dude's got stronger legs at 57, than I  have ever had.  It's like that episode of Scrubs where Kelso shows off his legs. 

And speaking of Scrubs, don't take my word for it that the Wiggles are Awesome.  Take Dr. Cox's.  For us, they only opened with Big Red Car.  They closed with "Hot Potato".  (Though, of course, they pronounced it "Po -TAH - to."  Aussies!)

And one other fun story about the concert.  On the ticket, Joy noticed that it said something along the lines of the cast can be changed out without notice.  We giggled.  I mean it's not like you can really replace one of the Wiggles.  They are kinda playing themselves.  (OK, you can't do that *again*.  Sam Wiggle replaced Greg Wiggle a few years ago due to medical problems.)  Sure enough, 2 minutes to curtain, an announcement goes out that Ringo Zawergfasdfsiewnce was going to be filling in for Murray Wiggle.  Son of a ....  The one Wiggle that Sam always goes on an on about is Murray.  Dammit.  O well.   The cool thing is that the Wiggles acknowledged that Ringo was different and kinda played at it a bit.  They started off with handstands and Ringo's timing wasn't quite right, as he was the last one to break the handstand by like 5 seconds.  So, after the song, Greg (who was sporting a shaved head look) comes over to him and says "Ringo, I know that it's your first day on the job, but you can't just hold the handstand longer than the guys who have been doing this for 20  years." 

All in all, *great* experience.  Well, outside of the whole $30 in "convenience" fees.  Freaking Ticketmaster BS.  I'd definitely recommend the live Wiggles show to anyone.  Well, anyone with kids.  But not creeps.  Creeps like Ben.  To whom I would steadfastly *not* recommend The Wiggles.  (Either live or on DVD...)

So, though this weekend was filled with a few downs, the ups definitely balanced them out.  Now, on to Monday!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

New Dell Inspiron

Long time readers of the blog (read: like a month) know that a few weeks back the house got smacked with an electrical surge and knocked out a bunch of my electronics.  TV should be back online early this week and the router's been replaced.  The only thing remaining was the computer.  It was *probably* OK, but the fan was sounding a bit messed up.  So, it could have been a processor fan, the power source fan, the entire power souce, or a blown heat dector.  Since this computer was a cheapo desktop that I bought about 5 years ago, I figured that now would be a good time to do an upgrade.  The fact that this weekend was tax free weekend sealed the deal.

So, I headed over to best buy on Saturday night.  Apparentely *everyone* else in the greater Raleigh area did too.  They had the computer secrion fortified and you had to wait in line so that you could get an employee one on one.  Not exactly what I was looking for, but whatever.  Turns out it was kinda worth the wait.  I defeinitely appreciated the sales guy narrowing it down and then being able to answer a few technical questions.  (Sadly, still wasn't able to open the machine, but I wouldn't have been able to do that on my own anyways.)

So, tonight, I unboxed it just to take a look.  Now, as a heads up, this is the third desktop that I've owned, and they've all been Dells.  So I've got a bit of basline.  (I wasn't actually even trying to necessarily to buy a Dell... just kinda happened into it.)

So, here's the goods:
4 RAM slots on the motherboard (and they eacch have a port soldered in - for some freaking reason, my last Dell had 4 slots on the board, but only two ports soldered in - WTF?)
Can go up to 8 GB of RAM.
DVD RW Drive.
An Extra 5.25" drive.
Comes with extra ports on the motherboard (PCI, PCI Express, and PCI Express 16x)
Front, Side, And Rear Speaker outputs..  (I'm certainly not going to use them, but I guess that they are nice to have...)
Integrated Card Reader.

And the bad:
It comes with 4 1 GB chips of RAM.  I would have perferred two 2 GB, but we takes what we can gets.)
No more PS2 ports  Everything's USB these days...
The cover is screwed on.  (Damn, Dell, you guys used to do that in the 90s.  I thought that you had gotten past this - just a level would do fine...)
Only 1 Extra PCI port.

So, all in all ... a pretty good deal.  Now all that I have to do is get used to freaking Windows 7.  Which apparently was created by a bunch of jackasses, if their commmercials are to be beleived.

OK...  I just reread this post and it's high on the geek and not so much on the funny.  So, to correct this situation, lemme slip you one of my favorite jokes of all time.  (OF ALL TIME)  Ahem:

How do titillate an ocelote?
You oscillate its tit a lot.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Another College Joke? Isn't this getting a bit derivative?

Oh man..I set this post up with a good math pun, but I can't really think of how to play off "derivative".  O well, that's what the comments are for, I reckon.  Anyway, another college joke (well, not quite so much a joke as an insight in to who I am and what I do).

There were two college students, sharing a dorm room.  The first was basket-weaving major and the second a computer science major.  One fine day, in the wee hours of the morn, just before sunrise, they meet each other just getting back to the room.
 "Man, I was at a great party today.  Whole lot of fun.  Got *wasted*!  How about you?" asks the basket-weaving student.
"No, party for me, man.  I was at the lab all night." replies the comp sci major.
"What?  That sucks!  It's a Saturday night!"  says the basket weaver.
"Oh... it's not that bad... all of the comp sci students were there."
"How can you say it's not that bad?  That sounds horrible."
"Actually, I'm pretty happy with the night."
"What?  You've been up all night doing homework.  How can you be so positive?"
"Because it feels so good when it's done," says the comp sci major as he collapses into bed.

So, like I said... not the funniest joke in the world.  However, I do remember one of my buddies from college telling me it back in college and getting a kick out of it.  But that's definitely how I find myself operating these days.  Generally, I hate doing something while I'm doing it, but when it's done yay rah!  (That one there is for you, Skoot.)

Lemme give you an example.  Last week, a really nasty thunderstorm rolled through.  Hit so hard that I shot straight up in bed, which I haven't done since high school.  (I'm a pretty deep sleeper; just ask my college roommates, I actually slept through a fire drill once...  Ooops.)  So, the storm was really bad.  In the morning, all networking was out, phone didn't work (we have Vonage), my desktop was out of commission, and the TV kept rebooting.  (The TV that we had just hooked up like a week and a half prior?  That's the one!)

So, I had to spend the *entire* weekend getting things back up and running.  The networking was a pain in the ass, but finally we got out one the other end with a few new pieces of hardware to replace things that were blown out, a newer faster streamlined wireless network, and maybe a few repairs on the TV.  All in all, not too bad.  However, Friday - Saturday - Sunday were all pretty much crap.  (Just take a look at my FB update on Friday.  It was full of bad juju.)  However, come Monday morning, where all of my issues were pretty much at an end (save the TV, but we've got a plan for that), I'm happy as a cucumber.

So, while the process sucks, it feels so good when it's done.  And I wouldn't have it any other way...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

College Joke and a running tale...

Here's a joke that I heard in college (though it is humorous, I should note that this is not - my lawyers told me to say that):

A physicist, a biologist, and a mathematician are sitting outside and see two people enter a house.  A little while later, three people come out.  
The physicist says "Eh, the initial measurement was off."
The Biologist says "My God!  They must be reproducing!"
The Mathematician says "Well, if one more person goes in, then there won't be anyone in the house."

I told you that story to tell you this story.

So, I've been doing a bit of running over the last month or so.  In my mind, I had two options:  1 - Get up crazy early so that I can be back and showered by the time the youngin wakes up so that I help with the morning duties.  OR 2 - Wait until the youngin goes to sleep, and then go out.  The problem is the latter option is that by the time we get the youngin to sleep, I am pretty much wiped out.  So, I'd never actually go running.  Given this choice, there wasn't a choice.  I've been getting up at 5 and out the door by 5:10.  Eesh.

So, needless to say, there's not a lot of people on the streets.  When I first started, I generally only passed one old guy and maybe another guy with a dog.  I don't think that the former was actually exercising.  I think that he had a bad case of insomnia and just didn't have anything else to do.  :-)

Anyway, about a week in, I was running along thinking "Man, I wish that there were other people running.  It would be nice to see some faces every morning."  Then I happened to look down and see a coiled snake that had apparently just noticed me as well.  Well, needless to say I jumped into the air with a "Gah!!" and kept going.  Literally like 30 seconds later, I was passed by two somewhat amused ladies.  (I didn't hear them coming up from behind since I was wearing earphones.  Oh, Maynard - you inspire me!)  I always do find a way to make a good first impression.   Over the next week I saw the ladies pretty much every time that I was out.

Then, about two weeks later, I had noticed that there was another lady.  I thought "OK, good.  That'll be some smiling(ish) faces that I can see every day."  Then, I went on about a week hiatus.

Yesterday, I came back from hiatus (ouch - remind me not to take breaks in the future), but no ladies.  O well.  And today, I got all the way out to my far point, no sign of the ladies.  Then, when I turned around, I saw them bearing down the hill at me.  Ever see "The Warriors"?  Cuz it felt like that.  There were freaking 5 of them in the group now.  As the biologist in the above joke said "My God!  They must be reproducing!"

So, now if I can use my Mathematics degree, I can extrapolate that the ladies running group membership is growing on an exponential curve.  By the end of the year, their population will hit well over 1,000.  Then, we are all doomed.

(PS - Yes, I did think of the old joke about the ladies' running group.  No, I didn't think that it was appropriate to include it in the blog.)